
Embellishing the donut: an old-school CG cliche

Sep 20, 2006

_,x,y,o       ,N;char       b[1840]       ;p(n,c)
{for(;n       --;x++)       c==10?y       +=80,x=
o-1:x>=       0?80>x?       c!='~'?       b[y+x]=
c:0:0:0       ;}c(q,l       ,r,o,v)       char*l,
       *r;{for       (;q>=0;       )q=("A"       "YLrZ^"
       "w^?EX"           "novne"     "bYV"       "dO}LE"
       "{yWlw"      "Jl_Ja|[ur]zovpu"   ""       "i]e|y"
       "ao_Be"   "osmIg}r]]r]m|wkZU}{O}"         "xys]]\
x|ya|y"        "sm||{uel}|r{yIcsm||ya[{uE"  "{qY\
w|gGor"      "VrVWioriI}Qac{{BIY[sXjjsVW]aM"  "T\
tXjjss"     "sV_OUkRUlSiorVXp_qOM>E{BadB"[_/6  ]-
62>>_++    %6&1?r[q]:l[q])-o;return q;}E(a){for (
       o= x=a,y=0,_=0;1095>_;)a= " <.,`'/)(\n-"  "\\_~"[
       c  (12,"!%*/')#3"  ""     "+-6,8","\"(.$" "01245"
       " &79",46)+14],  p(""       "#$%&'()0:439 "[ c(10
       , "&(*#,./1345" ,"')"       "+%-$02\"! ", 44)+12]
-34,a);  }main(k){float     A=0,B= 0,i,j,z[1840];
puts(""  "\x1b[2J");;;      for(;; ){float e=sin
(A), n=  sin(B),g=cos(      A),m=  cos(B);for(k=
0;1840>   k;k++)y=-10-k/    80   ,o=41+(k%80-40
       )* 1.3/y+n,N=A-100.0/y,b[k]=".#"[o+N&1],  z[k]=0;
       E(  80-(int)(9*B)%250);for(j=0;6.28>j;j   +=0.07)
       for  (i=0;6.28>i;i+=0.02){float c=sin(    i),  d=
       cos(  j),f=sin(j),h=d+2,D=15/(c*h*e+f     *g+5),l
=cos(i)        ,t=c*h*g-f*e;x=40+2*D*(l*h*  m-t*n
),y=12+       D  *(l*h*n+t*m),o=x+80*y,N  =8*((f*
e-c*d*g       )*m   -c*d*e-f*g-l*d*n)     ;if(D>z
[o])z[o       ]=D,b[     o]=" ."          ".,,-+"
       "+=#$@"       [N>0?N:       0];;;;}       printf(
       "%c[H",       27);for       (k=1;18       *100+41
       >k;k++)       putchar       (k%80?b       [k]:10)
       ;;;;A+=       0.053;;       B+=0.03       ;;;;;}}

A version of this (the scroll text says "IOCCC 2006" instead) was featured in the 2006 International Obfuscated C Code Contest.


(as with the first one, compile it with -lm, and it needs ANSI-ish terminal emulation)